Walking, not running. not jogging, not mountain climbing, not busting your butt. Walking,
because it is easy. Walking, because it is free. Walking with friends. Walking to discover
interesting things, places, and people. Walking, for the fun of it. Walking, because it will make
you better. Walking, because you can!
Almost everybody walks.
Here is a not so well-kept secret. Walking improves the functioning of almost every organ and
muscle in your body. It increases your life and increases the joy in your life. The more you walk
the longer you will live and the more you will enjoy your life.
There is another a lesser-known secret. There are hundreds if not thousands of walking groups
nationally and worldwide. Most of the groups may be formally organized but they run very
informally. Usually if you want to join a group you need to just meet them at the starting point of
the walking trail. Back in the day, you needed to know somebody who knew someone. However
now-adays your friend Goggle and other media platforms has a plethora of walking groups of
very type and of all most every city and town. Or you can create your own group of walkers by
posting this message in www.fitnmeet.org
“Hey walkers join me this Saturday at 1st street and 2nd Avenue at 10:00 a.m. to walk two miles
of the historic neighborhood. We will end at the great restaurant “fitnmeet”. Enjoy your long life.”
It is now easy to find the type of walking you would like to do.
One other advantage of walking, especially in a group, is that the scientific world has said
repeatedly, that people who belong to groups have a better lifestyle and thus a better and longer
life rather than people who are loners.
We, at fitnmeet.com want to promote all our members to have a long, happy, healthy life. In all
reality we want all our members to live to be 100 years old or more in healthy and happy life’s
The ways to make sure that happens is fitness is first: walking is the easiest of all the exercises.
Be healthy, live long.
Brian Doran