Discover effective beginner back workouts designed to strengthen and tone your muscles, perfect for beginners starting their fitness journey. Explore step-by-step exercises, tips, and advice for a strong, healthy back!
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re looking for a way to break into back workouts and get your body fit as a fiddle. Strengthening your back will pay dividends in the long run, making your journey into the fitness world much smoother. That’s why we’ve put together this Back to Basics back workout routine, full of exercises that any beginner can master and easily make part of their daily routine!
We’ve made it easy for you. You won’t need any special equipment, just you and your body weight! Check out the Back to Basics Back Workout routine below for a few exercises to help you get on track with your fitness journey.
Benefits of Back Workouts
Did you know that your back is composed of some of the biggest muscles in your body? You can’t just take it as one big muscle; your back is a complex collection of muscles that run vertically and horizontally across the body.
Engaging these muscles with exercise helps create a stronger muscular foundation, which can help improve posture and even prevent injuries. Back workouts also increase overall strength, allowing you to hit those other exercises harder!
Your lower back strengthens your core, abs, glutes, and hamstrings. In contrast, your mid back strengthens your shoulders, arms, and chest muscles. And your upper back? That helps with posture and keeps you balanced! Back workouts are excellent for your overall health, strength, and confidence. These muscles are connected, so keeping them all strong is essential!
Working out your back regularly has many benefits for both physical and mental health. Back workouts improve posture and balance, boost strength and flexibility, reduce pain and soreness, improve athletic performance, and even relieve stress. Back exercises also target core muscles which help you maintain good form and posture during other exercises.
Think about it this way: by investing time to strengthen your back, you’re giving yourself a solid foundation to build on in the future.
Beginner Back Workout List
1. Superman:
Lie face down on the floor with your arms extended above your head. Keeping your feet together and your toes pointed, lift your arms and legs off the floor as high as possible. Hold for 3-5 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 15 times for three sets.
2. Back Extensions:
Lie on your stomach with your hands clasped behind your head or at the side of your body if that’s more comfortable. Squeeze your shoulder blades together to lift your upper body off the floor, hold for a few seconds, and return to the starting position. Repeat 15 times for three sets.
3. Reverse Snow Angels:
Lie face down on the floor with your arms at your side. Keeping your feet together and your toes pointed, lift both arms off the floor until they are parallel to the body. Hold for 3-5 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 15 times for three sets.
4. Back Bridges:
Lie face up on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift your hips off the ground, squeezing your glutes at the top of the movement, then return to the starting position. Repeat 15 times for three sets.
5. Back Plank:
Start by sitting on the floor with your legs outstretched in front of you. Place both hands slightly behind your hips and lean back until your arms are straight and your body forms a diagonal line from head to toe. You can intensify this even more by moving each leg up and down independently. Hold for 30-45 seconds and repeat three times.
Advanced Back Workouts
Once you’ve gotten the hang of Back to Basics Back Workouts, you can add some advanced moves to take your back workout routine to the next level. This group of exercises may require additional equipment like resistance bands and weights, but the rewards will be more than worth it. We’ve found a group of unique and challenging back exercises to add to your routine and increase the intensity.
1. Back Lunges:
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, then take a big step back with one foot. Bend both knees and lower into a lunge position until the back knee nearly touches the floor. Drive through the heel of your front foot to stand up and bring the back foot forward. Repeat 15 times for three sets on each side.
2. Reverse Flies on Stability Ball:
The stability ball helps to add an extra level of difficulty to your back workouts. Face forward on the stability ball, keep your back straight, and hold a pair of dumbbells in each hand. With your arms extended in front of you, lift the weights out to your sides and squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top of the motion, then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat 15 times for three sets.
3. Back Push-Ups:
Start in a traditional push-up position, then rotate your arms out so that your hands are placed wider than shoulder-width apart. Pull your chest down towards the ground and squeeze your shoulder blades together as you press back up to the starting position. Repeat 15 times for three sets.
4. Back Rollouts:
Starting on all fours, lift your knees off the ground and place a stability ball in front of you. Slowly roll the ball forward as far as possible while keeping your back straight, then pull it back to the starting position. Repeat 15 times for three sets.
5. Back Extensions with Resistance Band:
Tie a resistance band around a sturdy object, such as a door handle. With your back turned to the object, hold onto each end of the band and extend your arms in front of you. Pull the ends of the band towards you and squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top of the motion before returning to the starting position. Repeat 15 times for three sets.
Safety & Form Tips
No matter what Back to Basics Back Workouts you’re doing, practicing proper form and technique is essential to avoid injuries.
Here are some tips for good posture during back exercises:
- Keep your core tight and engaged throughout the movement
- Maintain a neutral spine position
- Make sure your feet are firmly planted on the ground
- Breathe in deeply before performing each move and exhale as you complete it.
It is also important to start slow and gradually increase intensity over time; too much too soon can lead to injury. Working with a personal trainer or fitness instructor is a great way to ensure you exercise correctly and safely.
With Back to Basics Back Workouts, there are no limits – as long as you’re mindful of proper form and safety guidelines, you can challenge yourself any way you like. Feel free to change your routine by adding advanced moves or trying new equipment. If you stay consistent and challenge yourself, you’ll be sure to see results in no time! Good luck!
Do back exercises help with scoliosis?
Back exercises can help build strength and flexibility in your back muscles, which may relieve scoliosis symptoms. However, it’s important to remember that everyone is different, and it’s best to speak with a doctor before starting any new exercise routine. You’ll often find that with scoliosis, one side of the back muscle is tenser than the other, so exercise should be tailored accordingly.
If I work out my back, will it prevent a hunchback in old age?
Back exercises can help strengthen and support the muscles that make up your posture, but it is impossible to completely prevent a hunchback in old age. Factors such as genetics, lifestyle choices, and previous injuries all play a role in how much of an effect aging will have on your posture. That said, staying active throughout life can help you maintain better posture and reduce the risk of developing a hunched back.
What role does the core have in back strength?
The core muscles are essential for good form during back workouts. By engaging your core, you can stabilize yourself and maintain a neutral spine position throughout the entire movement – this is key for activating the back muscles properly. So make sure always to keep your core tight when doing any workout!
How do flat feet affect my back workouts?
Flat feet can make it difficult to perform specific back exercises, as the weakened arch of your foot might not provide enough stability to maintain good form. Use a mat or towel underneath your feet for added support and stability. You should also consider getting a good pair of supportive shoes that can help to provide extra cushioning and stability.
Will back exercises hurt during the recovery process?
Back workouts can sometimes cause some soreness and discomfort during recovery. This is normal, but if the pain becomes too intense or lasts longer than a few days, it’s best to speak with your doctor. You should also reduce the amount of weight you’re lifting and pay attention to proper form until your body has fully recovered. If you don’t have one, a foam roller is also a great way to help with muscle soreness after a workout.
How do I juggle a back workout with other strength exercises?
Back workouts should be done at least a few times weekly to maximize effectiveness. For those with limited time, creating a routine that combines back exercises with other strength training sessions (e.g., squats, deadlifts) is best. You can also do some flexibility and mobility work, such as stretching or foam rolling. This will ensure that your muscles stay healthy and flexible so you can get the most out of your back workout!
When will I start to see results after working out?
Everyone is different, but you can typically see some results within a few weeks of starting a back workout. Firstly, you will notice an increase in strength and endurance as your muscles become stronger. You may also feel less tension and pain in your back as the exercises help to realign your posture. Finally, you may even look more toned as your back muscles become more defined!
By following these Back to Basics Back Workouts guidelines, you’ll be ready to build strength and flexibility quickly! So remember to challenge yourself by trying new exercises, maintaining proper form, and keeping consistent with your workouts. With a few simple changes to your routine, you’ll be on your way to achieving the back of your dreams. Good luck!